After having thorough discussion and after carefully observe all the paper presentations, comments and inputs given by delegation and participants of the World Zakat Forum, which was held on September 28 – 30, 2010 at Hotel Inna Garuda, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, we, the delegation and participant of the World Zakat Forum, have reached our agreement on the following resolutions:
1. The World Zakat Forum will be organized as a forum to meet, discuss and share all zakat-related matters at world level, which is opened to the state/government delegation, government zakat organization, non-govermental zakat organization, academicians, ‘ulama, and other stake holders, at least once in three years.
2. To simplify management of the Forum, a World Zakat Forum Board Member comprising representatives of founding countries and other appointed parties, will be established, along with a World Zakat Forum Working Group, which acts as secretariat of the Forum consists of representatives of the countries that will devote themselves to manage the activities of the secretariat. The list of founding members and working group members as attached.
3. The role and the existence of the International Zakat Organization (IZO) is strongly supported and the need to have mutual cooperation with the organization for the benefit of the ummah.
4. The World Zakat Forum Working Group will decide the venue and the agenda of the 2nd World Zakat Forum.
5. The World Zakat Forum Working Group is assigned to prepare the programmes and to expand cooperation with all zakat stakeholders.
6. Contribution of the founders and the participants of the World Zakat Forum will be used as initial source of fund.
7. Prof Dr KH Didin Hafidhuddin is appointed as the first Secretary General of the World Zakat Forum until the organization of the next Forum.
8. Calling all muslim countries to accommodate and implement the policy of “zakat as tax credit”.
Yogyakarta, September 30, 2010
(signed by founders)
World Zakat Forum Working Group:
General Secretary : Prof. DR. KH. Didin Hafidhudin M.Si
Member of WZF Working Group :
- Ahmad Juwaini, SE. MM
- Teten Kustiawan, Ak
- Sri Adi Bramasetia, S.Kom
- Dr. Ahmad Muklis Yusuf
- Arifin Purwakananta, SI.Kom
- Ir. Nana Mintarti, MP
- Deddy Wahyudi, SP. MM
- Irfan Syauqi Beik, Ph.D
- Bobby Herwibowo, LC
- Prof. Madya. Dr. Abd. Halim Muhd. Noor
- Hj. Mohd. Rais Hj Alias
- Amran Bbin Hazali
- DR. Mohamed Ubeidillah
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