Thursday, 02 September, 2010 | 14:39 WIB
TEMPO Interactive, YogyakartaThe Zakat (Alms) Management Organization Association and the Yogyakarta Regional Zakat Forum will hold the World Zakat Forum in Yogyakarta from September 28 to October 2. The forum will be attended by representatives from international alms institutions from countries like Malaysia, Qatar, Kuwait, Turkey, England, Bahrain, Jordan, Sudan, and Saudi Arabia.
"The forum will be officially opened by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono," said April Purwanto, the World Zakat Forum executive, yesterday.
The event, in which 200 people will participate, is to take place at Inna Garuda Hotel on Malioboro Street, Yogyakarta. Representatives from Indonesia include the Dompet Duafa, Keadilan Peduli Umat (Concerned People for Justice) Post, Zakat Home, and the National Alms Agency.
According to April, the participants will discuss efforts to eradicate poverty through people empowerment programs, utilizing funds from alms. So far, he said, the programs from zakat institutions do not immediately solve poverty issues.
“Another problem is the mentality of the alms beneficiaries. After they receive the donations, the money is immediately spent. That is why we are trying to empower and strengthen the economy through an assistance and guidance program,” April concluded.
First world zakat forum hosted by Indonesia
Friday, August 20, 2010 19:23:18
Jakarta, NU Online
In a meeting of the World Zakat Forum (WZF) in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, in 2007, Indonesia was appointed to host the first WZF conference. This was revealed by WZF committee chairman Mohammad Arifin Purwakananta to the meeting with press held by the National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) in Cikini, Jakarta, on Thursday.
"By way of the fora initiated by the zakat institutes in Indonesia and Malaysia, for the development of zakat throughout the world, the WZF came into being," Arifin said.
In addition, he added, the WZF will be held at Hotel Inna Garuda in Yogyakarta, from September 28 to October, 2010. He also said that the first WZF conference will be attended by zakat initiators, zakat academicians and observers from the world.
Arifin said the WZF will be held for collection of zakat movement forces from throughout the world, and made zakat as the main program in the eradication of poverty and for the welfare of the human race.
"We hope this year’s WZF will produce a strategic resolution for the development of the world zakat movement," he added.
The WZF, he added, will include dialogs and discussions on the proper management of zakat and development of concrete cooperation between countries in the world.
He said WZF is also aimed at helping countries facing international disasters, because WZF itself was the result of zakat from many countries in the world.
The WZF conference themed "To Strengthen The Role of Zakat in Realizing The Wealfare of Ummah Through International Zakat Network" will be opened by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono. (dar)
Jakarta, NU Online
In a meeting of the World Zakat Forum (WZF) in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, in 2007, Indonesia was appointed to host the first WZF conference. This was revealed by WZF committee chairman Mohammad Arifin Purwakananta to the meeting with press held by the National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) in Cikini, Jakarta, on Thursday.
"By way of the fora initiated by the zakat institutes in Indonesia and Malaysia, for the development of zakat throughout the world, the WZF came into being," Arifin said.
In addition, he added, the WZF will be held at Hotel Inna Garuda in Yogyakarta, from September 28 to October, 2010. He also said that the first WZF conference will be attended by zakat initiators, zakat academicians and observers from the world.
Arifin said the WZF will be held for collection of zakat movement forces from throughout the world, and made zakat as the main program in the eradication of poverty and for the welfare of the human race.
"We hope this year’s WZF will produce a strategic resolution for the development of the world zakat movement," he added.
The WZF, he added, will include dialogs and discussions on the proper management of zakat and development of concrete cooperation between countries in the world.
He said WZF is also aimed at helping countries facing international disasters, because WZF itself was the result of zakat from many countries in the world.
The WZF conference themed "To Strengthen The Role of Zakat in Realizing The Wealfare of Ummah Through International Zakat Network" will be opened by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono. (dar)
World Zakat Forum
Entering the year 2010 was the payment of zakah is increasing worldwide. It is estimated that more than 80% of the Muslims who were categorized muzakki (obligatory Zakat) has regular paid zakat. The Zakat Payers are paid through zakat organizations, as well as directly paid to mustahik in their respective countries.
Based on the calculation of various methodes, particularly with reference to the pattern of calculations performed by Habib Ahmed from IRTI - Islamic Development Bank (IDB), then we can calculate that the year 2010 using estimated proportion of GDP every Muslim country, the estimated potential of zakah in the world a year of not less than USD 600 Billion.
By considering the data on the number of poor people of the world in the year 2007 reaching 830 million people, then the potential zakat world will be able to overcome poverty until 24.1%, with the assumption that every poor person will be able alleviated with greater empowerment of zakat funds of USD 3000 per person .
Will understand the potential significance of zakah in addressing world poverty, then all elements in the management of zakat was held to convene an international conference World Zakah Forum (WZF) 2010. The plan, activities that invite activists worldwide zakat organization was held on 28 September to 2 October 2010 in Jogjakarta, Indonesia.
World Zakat Forum is a forum for meeting with the manager of zakat organizations in the world in order to discuss various problems of zakat in the world and decide and recommend an action or activity in order to improve the function of zakat in solving various problems in the world.
At this conference forum also not closed the possibility of birth to a forum of cooperation and cross the world in the affairs of the organization who will be able to synergize zakat management worldwide, especially in order to use zakat to overcome poverty.
The theme for World Zakah Forum was To Strengthen The Role of Zakat in Realizing the welfare of the Ummah Through International Zakat Network. While participants are invited include, for Zakat Management Organization, Islamic Organizations, universities, national zakat organizations and regional cooperation, research centers and representative zakat management organizations from various countries around the world. The number of participants is estimated as many as 300 participants.
Events World Zakat Forum is also planned to provide a real contribution in formulating the world level zakat management model that is able to have an impact in solving some problems of the world. Various alternatives zakat fund mobilization and management of the world (World Zakat Fund) will be discussed, as well as on inter-state model in order to optimize synergies of zakat funds from surplus countries-due to the poor countries. World Zakat Forum will also endeavor to find the formula in order to optimize resource zakat as an alternative to overcome world poverty.
May the World Zakah Forum activities will provide tangible benefits for the development of zakat in the world and provide solutions to overcome global poverty through the optimal synergy.
resources :
Based on the calculation of various methodes, particularly with reference to the pattern of calculations performed by Habib Ahmed from IRTI - Islamic Development Bank (IDB), then we can calculate that the year 2010 using estimated proportion of GDP every Muslim country, the estimated potential of zakah in the world a year of not less than USD 600 Billion.
By considering the data on the number of poor people of the world in the year 2007 reaching 830 million people, then the potential zakat world will be able to overcome poverty until 24.1%, with the assumption that every poor person will be able alleviated with greater empowerment of zakat funds of USD 3000 per person .
Will understand the potential significance of zakah in addressing world poverty, then all elements in the management of zakat was held to convene an international conference World Zakah Forum (WZF) 2010. The plan, activities that invite activists worldwide zakat organization was held on 28 September to 2 October 2010 in Jogjakarta, Indonesia.
World Zakat Forum is a forum for meeting with the manager of zakat organizations in the world in order to discuss various problems of zakat in the world and decide and recommend an action or activity in order to improve the function of zakat in solving various problems in the world.
At this conference forum also not closed the possibility of birth to a forum of cooperation and cross the world in the affairs of the organization who will be able to synergize zakat management worldwide, especially in order to use zakat to overcome poverty.
The theme for World Zakah Forum was To Strengthen The Role of Zakat in Realizing the welfare of the Ummah Through International Zakat Network. While participants are invited include, for Zakat Management Organization, Islamic Organizations, universities, national zakat organizations and regional cooperation, research centers and representative zakat management organizations from various countries around the world. The number of participants is estimated as many as 300 participants.
Events World Zakat Forum is also planned to provide a real contribution in formulating the world level zakat management model that is able to have an impact in solving some problems of the world. Various alternatives zakat fund mobilization and management of the world (World Zakat Fund) will be discussed, as well as on inter-state model in order to optimize synergies of zakat funds from surplus countries-due to the poor countries. World Zakat Forum will also endeavor to find the formula in order to optimize resource zakat as an alternative to overcome world poverty.
May the World Zakah Forum activities will provide tangible benefits for the development of zakat in the world and provide solutions to overcome global poverty through the optimal synergy.
resources :
Indonesia Religious Minister Opens WZF 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010 03:43 WIB | National | | Viewed 689 time(s)
Yogyakarta (ANTARA News) - Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma Ali opened the first World Zakat Forum (WZF) 2010 in Yogyakarta on Wednesday.
The event was opened by Suryadharma, flanked by Forum Chairman Ahmad Juwaini, National Tither Collecting Atency (BAZNAS) chairman Didin Hafidhuddin, and Indonesia Magnificence of Zakat (IMZ) Director Nana Mintarti.
Suryadharma, in his address representing President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, welcomed the WZF which had been initiated by several tither collecting institutions in Indonesia to discuss issues on zakat.
"WZF could serve as a means of dialgues between tither institutions in the world," he said.
Chief organizer Didin Hafidhuddin said that the holding of the WZF was aimed at promoting relations between world tither collectors to unify vissions sharing of experiences.
He added that poverty eradication and welfare improvement from the economic aspect would be useless without involving the role of zalat.
Zakat, he added, is one way of poverty eradication and welfare improvement. (*)
Yogyakarta (ANTARA News) - Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma Ali opened the first World Zakat Forum (WZF) 2010 in Yogyakarta on Wednesday.
The event was opened by Suryadharma, flanked by Forum Chairman Ahmad Juwaini, National Tither Collecting Atency (BAZNAS) chairman Didin Hafidhuddin, and Indonesia Magnificence of Zakat (IMZ) Director Nana Mintarti.
Suryadharma, in his address representing President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, welcomed the WZF which had been initiated by several tither collecting institutions in Indonesia to discuss issues on zakat.
"WZF could serve as a means of dialgues between tither institutions in the world," he said.
Chief organizer Didin Hafidhuddin said that the holding of the WZF was aimed at promoting relations between world tither collectors to unify vissions sharing of experiences.
He added that poverty eradication and welfare improvement from the economic aspect would be useless without involving the role of zalat.
Zakat, he added, is one way of poverty eradication and welfare improvement. (*)
Zakat World
Entering the year 2010 the payment of zakat is increasing worldwide. It is estimated that more than 80% of the Muslims who Muzakki category (mandatory alms) has regular charity. Both managers are paid through charity organizations, as well as directly paid to mustahik in their respective countries.
Based on the calculation of various parties, particularly with reference to the pattern of calculations performed by Habib Ahmed from IRTI - Islamic Development Bank (IDB), then we can calculate that the year 2010 using estimated proportion of GDP alms every Muslim country, the estimated potential of zakat in the world a year of not less than $ 600 billion.
By considering the data on the number of the poor world in 2007 which reached 830 million inhabitants, the potential zakat world will be able to overcome poverty to 24.1%, with the assumption that every poor person will be able alleviated with the help of the empowerment of zakat funds of USD 3000 per person .
Will understand the potential significance of zakat in addressing world poverty, then all elements of charity managers moved to convene an international conference World Zakat Forum (WZF) 2010. The plan, activities that invite activists worldwide charity was held on September 28 to October 2, 2010 in Jogjakarta, Indonesia.
World Zakat Forum is a forum for meeting with management organizations in the world of charity in order to discuss various problems of zakat in the world and decided and recommended a step or activity in order to improve the function of zakat in solving various problems in the world.
At this conference forum is also not closed the possibility of birth to a forum of cooperation and organization across the world in matters of charity that will be able to synergize zakat management around the world, especially in order to take advantage of charity to overcome poverty.
The theme for World Zakat Forum was "Upholding The Role of Zakat in establishing the Ummah Welfare Through Networking International Zakat" (To Strengthen The Role of Zakat in Realizing the welfare of the Ummah Through International Zakat Network). While participants are invited include, Organisation Manager Zakat, Islamic Organizations, universities, national charity organizations and regional cooperation, study centers zakat zakat management organizations and representatives from various countries around the world. The number of participants is estimated as many as 300 participants.
Zakat World Events Forum also planned to provide a real contribution in formulating the world-level management model that is able to charity to have an impact in solving some problems of the world. Various alternatives zakat fund mobilization and management of the world (World Zakat Fund) will be discussed, also on a model of synergy between countries in optimizing zakat funds from surplus countries zakat to poor countries. Zakat World Forum will also seek to find the formula in order to optimize the resources of zakat as an alternative to overcome world poverty.
May the activities of the World Zakat Forum will provide tangible benefits to the development of charity in the world and provide solutions to overcome global poverty through the optimal synergy. Indonesia Today
Based on the calculation of various parties, particularly with reference to the pattern of calculations performed by Habib Ahmed from IRTI - Islamic Development Bank (IDB), then we can calculate that the year 2010 using estimated proportion of GDP alms every Muslim country, the estimated potential of zakat in the world a year of not less than $ 600 billion.
By considering the data on the number of the poor world in 2007 which reached 830 million inhabitants, the potential zakat world will be able to overcome poverty to 24.1%, with the assumption that every poor person will be able alleviated with the help of the empowerment of zakat funds of USD 3000 per person .
Will understand the potential significance of zakat in addressing world poverty, then all elements of charity managers moved to convene an international conference World Zakat Forum (WZF) 2010. The plan, activities that invite activists worldwide charity was held on September 28 to October 2, 2010 in Jogjakarta, Indonesia.
World Zakat Forum is a forum for meeting with management organizations in the world of charity in order to discuss various problems of zakat in the world and decided and recommended a step or activity in order to improve the function of zakat in solving various problems in the world.
At this conference forum is also not closed the possibility of birth to a forum of cooperation and organization across the world in matters of charity that will be able to synergize zakat management around the world, especially in order to take advantage of charity to overcome poverty.
The theme for World Zakat Forum was "Upholding The Role of Zakat in establishing the Ummah Welfare Through Networking International Zakat" (To Strengthen The Role of Zakat in Realizing the welfare of the Ummah Through International Zakat Network). While participants are invited include, Organisation Manager Zakat, Islamic Organizations, universities, national charity organizations and regional cooperation, study centers zakat zakat management organizations and representatives from various countries around the world. The number of participants is estimated as many as 300 participants.
Zakat World Events Forum also planned to provide a real contribution in formulating the world-level management model that is able to charity to have an impact in solving some problems of the world. Various alternatives zakat fund mobilization and management of the world (World Zakat Fund) will be discussed, also on a model of synergy between countries in optimizing zakat funds from surplus countries zakat to poor countries. Zakat World Forum will also seek to find the formula in order to optimize the resources of zakat as an alternative to overcome world poverty.
May the activities of the World Zakat Forum will provide tangible benefits to the development of charity in the world and provide solutions to overcome global poverty through the optimal synergy. Indonesia Today
Indonesia Islamic Integrated Community Development: Indonesia Concept on Community Poverty Alleviation Through Zakat Dimention [1]
Written by:
Ismail A. Said and Moch. Arifin Purwakananta [2]
The improvement within the management of zakat is aimed at enhancing the capability of collecting all available zakat resources, organizing them through an effective and efficient management for the empowerment of the ashnafs and to raise umat (moslems) from the poverty and their underdeveloped condition. The last mentioned represents an important key to gain the success of all parties in developing a proper and better zakat management to be able to answer the current age challenge in an effort to eradicate the poverty. Zakat movement[3] is pursued to self-develop in creating ideas to eliminate the poverty to date becoming the focus in all discourses on this contemporary zakat. The idea to apply an effective and efficient management is also hoped to be the main stream as a strategic poverty obliteration in various parts of the globe.
The eradication of poverty guided by means of the Millennium Development Goal (MDG’s) program and supported by many countries needs a lot of strongholds. Basic idea for this zakat movement, with respect to the poverty limit and strategic efforts, is to convert the beneficiaries (mustahiks) into the zakat payers (muzakkis) so that to be able to develop it into a system used in an effort to eradicate the poverty. It means that its focus is not only about how to distribute the zakat fund but more as an effort to make this syariat zakat are able to become a new paradigm in fighting the poverty. It is connected to the basic outlook of poverty and prosperity, determination of poverty limits and concept of social and economic development in combating this poverty.
Poverty in Indonesia
According to the Poverty Mapping[4] the number of mustahiks (beneficiaries) existing all over Indonesia reach 33,943,313. Most of them entitled to receive the zakat are living in East Java numbering to 7,446,180; Central Java 7,012,814, West Java 5,736,425; Lampung 1,560,516; South Sumatera 1,219,050; Banten 1,113,876; North Sumatera 1, 076,778 and NTB 1,041,402; Number of mustahik in other provinces ranges between 60 and 500 thousands. Seen from the gender side they are almost in balance; namely 49.9 percent of them are male and the remaining 50.1 percent are female. Then, 52 percent of these mustahiks are unmarried, 42 percent married, divorce due to the death 4.6 percent and still alive divorce 1.4 percent. Their educational level is also very low, 77 percent are the elementary school dropouts, and most of them works at the sectors of agriculture (63.1 percent); industry 8.9 percent; commercial 8.8 percent and service 7.2 percent.
According to 2010 census on population conducted by the Central Statistic Agency, the number of poor people are 31,02 millions or 3.3 percent of the total population of Indonesia. If using the standard of poverty of the World Bank then this poor people will increase in number;
Furthermore, this Poverty Mapping also reveals that there are 23,676,263 muzakkis in all over Indonesian regions with the biggest cumulative number in West Java numbering to 4,721,101; East Java 2,971,621; DKI 2,467,677; Central Jawa 2,191,199; Banten 1,324,908 and North Sumatera 1,092,880. Most of these muzakkis (60.6 percent) are male, however, the potency of female muzakkis cannot be neglected reaching 39.4 percent. It is worth to note that most of these muzakkis are at the ages between 25 and 59 years (26.1 percent are between 25 – 34 years of age and 25, 00 percent between 45 – 59 years of age. The occupational backgrounds of these muzakkis are as follows: 27.3 percent works at agricultural sector; 20.9 percent at industrial sector, 18,4 at service sector and 19.6 percent at industrial sector.
The Map of Poverty also shows that total population throughout Indoensia are 24,943,341 Most of them being entitled to receive zakat live in East Jawa numbering to 7,446,180; Central Java 7,012,814; West Java 5,736,425; Lampung 1,560,516; NAD 1,280,104; South Sumatera 1,219,050; Banten 1,113,876; North Sumatera 1,076,778 and NTB 1.041.402. The number of mustahik in other provinces ranges between 60 and 500 thousands Seen from the gender side they are almost in balance; namely 49.9 percent of them are male and the remaining 50.1 percent are female. Then, 52 percent of these mustahiks are unmarried, 42 percent married, divorce due to the death 4.6 percent and still alive divorce 1.4 percent. Their educational level is also very low namely 77 percent are the elementary school dropouts, and most of them works at the sectors of agriculture (63.1 percent); industry 8.9 percent; commercial 8.8 percent and service 7.2 percent.
Metamorphoses of Empowerment (Efficient and Productive Use ) of zakat
To cope with the poverty issue, Dompet Dhuafa since its establishment in 1993 has made a lot of programs of empowerment (efficient and productive use) of zakat. These programs are packed into social and economic programs as well as advocacy program. Dompet Dhuafa has helped the born of institutions formed specifically to empower the poor (dhuafa) people.
Social program is a program established to provide social security making the poor (dhuafa) get a proper access to obtain the services of health, education and settlement be able to fulfill the needs in an emergency and urgent conditions. Therefore, the Dompet Dhuafa has established Lembaga Pengembangan Insani (activity in educational field), Lembaga Kesehatan Cuma Cuma (activity in Health service); Lembaga Pelayan Masyarakaat (public service for the dhuafa), Disaster Management Center (to handle disaster and humanity issues) and Institut Kemandirian (to eliminate unemployment).
Other programs are in the field of Energy and Environment by Alms For Trees (Sedekah Pohon), clean water provision and resettlement for the dhuafa. These agencies has made several programs in their respective region in various regions all over Indonesia.
The economic program conducted to lift up the certain level of income of the poor into the group with sufficient income making them to get rid of the poverty limit. To operate this mission, the Dompet Dhuafa has established several organizations such as Baitulmaal Wattamwil or BMT (to drill and establish and extend the initial fund to this BMT network and BMT capitalization and to encourage the establishment of BMT Center); Lembaga Pertanian Sehat (empowering the farmers in an organic agriculture); Masyarakat Mandiri (providing microcredit and assisting the small scale business in the villages) Kampoeng Ternak (building the network of animal breeders and provide them with capital and breeder assistance) Baitulmaal Desa (building rural self-sufficiency by means of various business sectors) and many other programs such Fishery and Maritime Program and Social Trust Fund (STF).
The advocacy programs are built to help the develop some organizations such as Indonesian Magnificient of Zakat or IMZ (focused on capacity building, research and zakat advocacy) and other advocacy activities such as Indonesian Migrant Worker defense, and advocacy involving some Indonesian NGOs, legal aids for the poor (cooperation with Yayasan Lembaga Bantuan Hukum (Indonesia Legal Aids Society) or YLBHI) poisonous food advocacy (cooperation with Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia or YLKI), anti corruption advocacy (cooperation with Indonesia Corruption Watch or ICW) and assistance to eradicate woman’s illiteracy (cooperation with YAPPIKA) and others.
These Programs are supplemented by the activities of distribution of Kurban through Tebar Hewan Kurban (THK), Wakaf empowering through Tabung Wakaf Indonesia (TWI), and providing assistance and consultation for the corporations performing the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. This program has been executed in all branches and representatives all over Indonesia and that conducted by Dompet Dhuafa’s branches on foreign countries such in Hongkong, Australia, and Japan and also supported by the implementation of other programs in Palestine, Iraq, East Timor, Pakistan, Vietnam, Philippine, and other countries.
Concept of Integrated Community Empowering
Entering the age of 17 years, the Dompet Dhuafa has encouraged to build the program which was capable of integrating all possessed empowering powers into a single integrated program within a certain community. Entering 2008, the ideas of this integrated program was started by making a working plan of 2009-2013 as a middle term planning phase to be continued later by the following term programs.
For which, the Dompet Dhuafa has drawn up a basic term of reference for Islamic Integrated Community Development Program under the name of Klaster Mandiri Program. This strategic term of reference is the making of Blueprint of this Program Klaster Mandiri, Poverty Mapping, Survey and Selection of Cluster, Determination of Strategic Partner, Program Launching and Implementation, and Program Monitoring and Evaluation.
Klaster Mandiri Program was built and supported by 5 pillars namely the System, Humanity Value, Legal and Justice, Economic and Prosperity, and Institutional Building.[5] It means that the empowerment must refer to the syariah economic system as an ideal system. This Klaster Mandiri Program must regard the human as an important factor namely as a subject and not an object, the human is not permitted to be regarded as the resources but must be regarded as the khalifah (leader) managing the nature. This program exists within an orderliness framework and impartiality full of wisdom. Of course it also must be able to enhance the economic prosperity to make the targeted group has the economic capability. This program is conducted also by institutional building and strengthening to guarantee a sustainable empowerment. These five paradigms are expected to become the basic framework for such Klaster Mandiri Program.
This Klaster Mandiri Program also believe that an integrated community empowering must be concentrated into the growth, access availability and impartiality.
Enhancing the Economic Growth
As the efforts to grow the communal economic, the concept of Klaster Mandiri must build the strengthening of capital liquidity, production factors and trade.
The stagnant economic in rural area is most caused by insufficient liquidity and capital to create the economic transactions. The poor people in these rural areas cannot easily get access into the equities. There must be a breakthrough to get access to the capital to be used in a productive sector in the village. Therefore no one in the village entrapped by the usury (riba). Capital strengthening as an economic effort can be strengthened by providing the microcredit through the establishment of BMT, Social Trust Fund or other capitalizing mechanism by using the zakat funds.
Strengthening of Production Factor in the village such as the agriculture, fishery, animal breeding, trade, small scale business etc. are strengthened by a set of the assisting and strengthening programs. The challenge is quite strong since currently, the production sector is very weak. The people has been mentally influenced by the consumptive pattern as supported by the government’s import policy effected against productive sector in the village. The newest example is the case of imported cows making the local breeder scream hopelessly. Improving the life of these farmers, breeders and fishermen must be related to the village’s productivity. In this sector, the zakat fund is used to increase the empowering capability of rural poor people and to build their productive infra-structures.
Capitalization and production sectors must be connected to a fair trade. And the trade strengthening will further motivate just economic system which is capable of growing the rural industrial sector and simultaneously securing an unobstructed distribution of their daily needs. This trade strengthening is conducted by pressing on the commercial strength of the farmers, breeders and small scale businessman through the training and assistance with respect to the product quality, certification, product packing and strengthening of the marketing board (marketing network). The zakat fund can be developed to strengthen this trade sector by the establishment of traditional market and other infrastructure.
Motivating the Access Availability
Each poor community must be secured to get access to their human rights. Such basic needs are the health, education, housing, and others. New paradigms are needed respecting the importance of shifting these basic needs (especially education and health) from the economic to social sectors. A hospital and schools must be built not by a profit but by a service approach.
Providing access for the poor people to get their basic right may be supported from zakat fund, in order to fulfill availability of the zakat fund can be mixed with the providing of resources from village social insurance by activating local wisdom that currently implementing in the villages of Indonesia such as the concept of cooperation, jimpitan (sharing/collecting a small glass of rice), arisan (collecting some money and determined a person who deserves to get the turn in a certain period once) etc.
Empowerment Advocacy
To encourage and obtain participations from all parties, the Klaster Mandiri has attempted to motivate the one-sided policy, network strengthening and grass-root empowerment in the village. This is conducted by strengthening the rural empowerment research and cultural advocacy and even a rural social engineering by consistently using all local wisdom as it social capital.
Implementation of Program Klaster Mandiri
Klaster Mandiri Program was launched in the month of Ramadhan 1431H/August 2010 with its programs in 21 villages of 21 Regencies all over Indonesia. The village selection has been conducted using a strict analyses through the mapping of poverty and field survey by taking note to its social capital possessed to increase the achievement rate of the program.
The Regions of this Klaster Mandiri are selected based on the map of poverty by calculating the ratio between the muzakki and mustahik, social capital, minority Moslem area, borderland area. At the time of the launching these 21 selected Regencies (Kabupaten) are :
1. Regency of Bintan, Kepulauan Riau
2. Regency of Tapanuli Tengah, North Sumatera
3. Regency of Mentawai, West Sumatera
4. Regency of Lampung Selatan, Lampung
5. Regency of Lebak, Banten
6. Regency of Garut, Jabar
7. Regency of Brebes, Jateng
8. Regency of Blora, Jateng
9. Regency of Kulonprogo, DIY
10. Regency of Tuban, Jatim
11. Regency of Ponorogo, Jatim
12. Regency of Karangasem, Bali
13. Regency of Bima, NTB
14. Regency of Rote Nda, NTT
15. Regency of Benkayang, Kalbar
16. Regency of Tanah Laut, Kalsel
17. Regency of Bantaeng, Sulsel
18. Regency of Banggai, Sulteng
19. Regency of Halmahera Selatan, Maluku Utara
20. Regency of Merauke, Papua
21. Regency of Bogor (Zona Madina).
At each klaster mandiri, a partner called as “Sahabat” behaves as an assistance, dynamists, and generator of rural empowerment. This Sahabat is a youth nominated and local figure who will be act as a community organizer in each program area.
Zona Madina
The biggest Klaster Mandiri was named as the Zona Madina[6]. Zona Madina has been designed and developed using the concepts of the growing and integrated area with the foundation of Islam’s set of values being rahmatan lil alamin with the biggest goal of empowerment in the broader sense covering the development of socio-economy, culture, and religious values using the mosque as the centre of the movement. The design of Zona Madina is made by noticing all local values developed to reach its optimum point for the development of socio-economic of 5 km square radius surrounding community. The Zona Madina has been built by using the wakaf (endowment) and the operational cost using zakat, infaq, shadaqah, voluntary funds from Indonesian community and the donation of the companies, government and other “halal” (not violating the Moslem’s rules) resources.
The establishment of Zona Madina was started on 7th day of January 2009 coinciding with 10 Muharram 1030 H begun with the construction of Rumah Sakit Zakat[7] in Indonesia planned to finish by the end of 2010. Zona Madina is an open area which can be visited by the public 24 hours a day and 7 days in a week.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Klaster Mandiri Program has clear indicator and parameter both qualitatively and quantitatively for its program implementation and also the impact of this program implementation against the community. A periodic review or evaluation is conducted by yearly and quarterly monitoring and evaluation program.
For which, the baseline study is conducted at each community prior to the execution of this program to evaluate more accurately the degree of impact of such program
Klaster Mandiri as A Model
As an integrated concept, which will be consistently improved, the Klaster Mandiri has been designed so as its replica can be made for empowerment modeling of the poor through an integrated program by using the zakat funds. Therefore, the program Klaster Mandiri has been made in several empowerment modules. This modeling can be conducted by taking all programs and selecting it into modules.
If this program can be applied in many poor communities in Indonesia and all over the world, then the Dompet Dhuafa hopes this concept can trigger the zakat dimensioned empowerment with its sharper target and more effective and efficient use for our effort to alleviate the poverty. The same consequences also felt if this zakat movement in various region can be inspired by this program and develop it to become more ideal and comprehensive concept. Eventually that we all can realize zakat as the mainstream for the strategy to eradicate the poverty.
[1] This issue is delivered at the First Forum of World Conference on Zakat held on 28 September – 2 October 2010 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
[2] Ismail A Said is a President Director of Dompet Dhuafa, and Mr. Moch Arifin Purwakananta is a Program Director of Dompet Dhuafa. This Dompet Dhuafa represents Lembaga Amil Zakat Nasional; established and stipulated by the Decision of the Minister of Religious Affairs.
[3] Zakat Movement becomes a common term for all structured activities conducted by all zakat activists and organizations in various region to expand the zakat as a syariah with the objective of the brightness of umat, poverty eradication and empowerment of them. This term has been used in the book of South Asia Zakat Movement written by Arifin Purwakananta Cs. FOZ 2008 and in the book of Zakat Movement for Indonesia also written by Arifin Purwakananta cs., 2007
[4] Poverty Mapping by Arifin Purwakananta Cs, Dompet Dhuafa Publisher, 2012
[5] The Five Pillars of Program Klaster Mandiri is inspired by Maqasidu As Syariah
[6] Zona Madina, an area locating in Kabupaten Bogor is an integrated Islamic community development area erected on 5,5 Hectare area in Parung, Bogor. In this area, there are senior schools, Mosque, Hosptal, Public and Econmic Development, Guest House, Outbound, Sport Ground, Digital Library, Multipurpose Hall, Bussines Center, Fuel Station, Rest Area and other public empowering and service facilities.
[7] Due to using the preventive paradigm, this Rumah Sehat Terpadu (Integrated Hospital), is planned to be the biggest zakat hospital in Indonesia providing health care and treatment to the beneficiaries (mustahik) using the zakat fund.
Ismail A. Said and Moch. Arifin Purwakananta [2]

The eradication of poverty guided by means of the Millennium Development Goal (MDG’s) program and supported by many countries needs a lot of strongholds. Basic idea for this zakat movement, with respect to the poverty limit and strategic efforts, is to convert the beneficiaries (mustahiks) into the zakat payers (muzakkis) so that to be able to develop it into a system used in an effort to eradicate the poverty. It means that its focus is not only about how to distribute the zakat fund but more as an effort to make this syariat zakat are able to become a new paradigm in fighting the poverty. It is connected to the basic outlook of poverty and prosperity, determination of poverty limits and concept of social and economic development in combating this poverty.
Poverty in Indonesia
According to the Poverty Mapping[4] the number of mustahiks (beneficiaries) existing all over Indonesia reach 33,943,313. Most of them entitled to receive the zakat are living in East Java numbering to 7,446,180; Central Java 7,012,814, West Java 5,736,425; Lampung 1,560,516; South Sumatera 1,219,050; Banten 1,113,876; North Sumatera 1, 076,778 and NTB 1,041,402; Number of mustahik in other provinces ranges between 60 and 500 thousands. Seen from the gender side they are almost in balance; namely 49.9 percent of them are male and the remaining 50.1 percent are female. Then, 52 percent of these mustahiks are unmarried, 42 percent married, divorce due to the death 4.6 percent and still alive divorce 1.4 percent. Their educational level is also very low, 77 percent are the elementary school dropouts, and most of them works at the sectors of agriculture (63.1 percent); industry 8.9 percent; commercial 8.8 percent and service 7.2 percent.
According to 2010 census on population conducted by the Central Statistic Agency, the number of poor people are 31,02 millions or 3.3 percent of the total population of Indonesia. If using the standard of poverty of the World Bank then this poor people will increase in number;
Furthermore, this Poverty Mapping also reveals that there are 23,676,263 muzakkis in all over Indonesian regions with the biggest cumulative number in West Java numbering to 4,721,101; East Java 2,971,621; DKI 2,467,677; Central Jawa 2,191,199; Banten 1,324,908 and North Sumatera 1,092,880. Most of these muzakkis (60.6 percent) are male, however, the potency of female muzakkis cannot be neglected reaching 39.4 percent. It is worth to note that most of these muzakkis are at the ages between 25 and 59 years (26.1 percent are between 25 – 34 years of age and 25, 00 percent between 45 – 59 years of age. The occupational backgrounds of these muzakkis are as follows: 27.3 percent works at agricultural sector; 20.9 percent at industrial sector, 18,4 at service sector and 19.6 percent at industrial sector.
The Map of Poverty also shows that total population throughout Indoensia are 24,943,341 Most of them being entitled to receive zakat live in East Jawa numbering to 7,446,180; Central Java 7,012,814; West Java 5,736,425; Lampung 1,560,516; NAD 1,280,104; South Sumatera 1,219,050; Banten 1,113,876; North Sumatera 1,076,778 and NTB 1.041.402. The number of mustahik in other provinces ranges between 60 and 500 thousands Seen from the gender side they are almost in balance; namely 49.9 percent of them are male and the remaining 50.1 percent are female. Then, 52 percent of these mustahiks are unmarried, 42 percent married, divorce due to the death 4.6 percent and still alive divorce 1.4 percent. Their educational level is also very low namely 77 percent are the elementary school dropouts, and most of them works at the sectors of agriculture (63.1 percent); industry 8.9 percent; commercial 8.8 percent and service 7.2 percent.
Metamorphoses of Empowerment (Efficient and Productive Use ) of zakat
To cope with the poverty issue, Dompet Dhuafa since its establishment in 1993 has made a lot of programs of empowerment (efficient and productive use) of zakat. These programs are packed into social and economic programs as well as advocacy program. Dompet Dhuafa has helped the born of institutions formed specifically to empower the poor (dhuafa) people.
Social program is a program established to provide social security making the poor (dhuafa) get a proper access to obtain the services of health, education and settlement be able to fulfill the needs in an emergency and urgent conditions. Therefore, the Dompet Dhuafa has established Lembaga Pengembangan Insani (activity in educational field), Lembaga Kesehatan Cuma Cuma (activity in Health service); Lembaga Pelayan Masyarakaat (public service for the dhuafa), Disaster Management Center (to handle disaster and humanity issues) and Institut Kemandirian (to eliminate unemployment).
Other programs are in the field of Energy and Environment by Alms For Trees (Sedekah Pohon), clean water provision and resettlement for the dhuafa. These agencies has made several programs in their respective region in various regions all over Indonesia.
The economic program conducted to lift up the certain level of income of the poor into the group with sufficient income making them to get rid of the poverty limit. To operate this mission, the Dompet Dhuafa has established several organizations such as Baitulmaal Wattamwil or BMT (to drill and establish and extend the initial fund to this BMT network and BMT capitalization and to encourage the establishment of BMT Center); Lembaga Pertanian Sehat (empowering the farmers in an organic agriculture); Masyarakat Mandiri (providing microcredit and assisting the small scale business in the villages) Kampoeng Ternak (building the network of animal breeders and provide them with capital and breeder assistance) Baitulmaal Desa (building rural self-sufficiency by means of various business sectors) and many other programs such Fishery and Maritime Program and Social Trust Fund (STF).
The advocacy programs are built to help the develop some organizations such as Indonesian Magnificient of Zakat or IMZ (focused on capacity building, research and zakat advocacy) and other advocacy activities such as Indonesian Migrant Worker defense, and advocacy involving some Indonesian NGOs, legal aids for the poor (cooperation with Yayasan Lembaga Bantuan Hukum (Indonesia Legal Aids Society) or YLBHI) poisonous food advocacy (cooperation with Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia or YLKI), anti corruption advocacy (cooperation with Indonesia Corruption Watch or ICW) and assistance to eradicate woman’s illiteracy (cooperation with YAPPIKA) and others.
These Programs are supplemented by the activities of distribution of Kurban through Tebar Hewan Kurban (THK), Wakaf empowering through Tabung Wakaf Indonesia (TWI), and providing assistance and consultation for the corporations performing the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. This program has been executed in all branches and representatives all over Indonesia and that conducted by Dompet Dhuafa’s branches on foreign countries such in Hongkong, Australia, and Japan and also supported by the implementation of other programs in Palestine, Iraq, East Timor, Pakistan, Vietnam, Philippine, and other countries.
Concept of Integrated Community Empowering
Entering the age of 17 years, the Dompet Dhuafa has encouraged to build the program which was capable of integrating all possessed empowering powers into a single integrated program within a certain community. Entering 2008, the ideas of this integrated program was started by making a working plan of 2009-2013 as a middle term planning phase to be continued later by the following term programs.
For which, the Dompet Dhuafa has drawn up a basic term of reference for Islamic Integrated Community Development Program under the name of Klaster Mandiri Program. This strategic term of reference is the making of Blueprint of this Program Klaster Mandiri, Poverty Mapping, Survey and Selection of Cluster, Determination of Strategic Partner, Program Launching and Implementation, and Program Monitoring and Evaluation.
Klaster Mandiri Program was built and supported by 5 pillars namely the System, Humanity Value, Legal and Justice, Economic and Prosperity, and Institutional Building.[5] It means that the empowerment must refer to the syariah economic system as an ideal system. This Klaster Mandiri Program must regard the human as an important factor namely as a subject and not an object, the human is not permitted to be regarded as the resources but must be regarded as the khalifah (leader) managing the nature. This program exists within an orderliness framework and impartiality full of wisdom. Of course it also must be able to enhance the economic prosperity to make the targeted group has the economic capability. This program is conducted also by institutional building and strengthening to guarantee a sustainable empowerment. These five paradigms are expected to become the basic framework for such Klaster Mandiri Program.
This Klaster Mandiri Program also believe that an integrated community empowering must be concentrated into the growth, access availability and impartiality.
Enhancing the Economic Growth
As the efforts to grow the communal economic, the concept of Klaster Mandiri must build the strengthening of capital liquidity, production factors and trade.
The stagnant economic in rural area is most caused by insufficient liquidity and capital to create the economic transactions. The poor people in these rural areas cannot easily get access into the equities. There must be a breakthrough to get access to the capital to be used in a productive sector in the village. Therefore no one in the village entrapped by the usury (riba). Capital strengthening as an economic effort can be strengthened by providing the microcredit through the establishment of BMT, Social Trust Fund or other capitalizing mechanism by using the zakat funds.
Strengthening of Production Factor in the village such as the agriculture, fishery, animal breeding, trade, small scale business etc. are strengthened by a set of the assisting and strengthening programs. The challenge is quite strong since currently, the production sector is very weak. The people has been mentally influenced by the consumptive pattern as supported by the government’s import policy effected against productive sector in the village. The newest example is the case of imported cows making the local breeder scream hopelessly. Improving the life of these farmers, breeders and fishermen must be related to the village’s productivity. In this sector, the zakat fund is used to increase the empowering capability of rural poor people and to build their productive infra-structures.
Capitalization and production sectors must be connected to a fair trade. And the trade strengthening will further motivate just economic system which is capable of growing the rural industrial sector and simultaneously securing an unobstructed distribution of their daily needs. This trade strengthening is conducted by pressing on the commercial strength of the farmers, breeders and small scale businessman through the training and assistance with respect to the product quality, certification, product packing and strengthening of the marketing board (marketing network). The zakat fund can be developed to strengthen this trade sector by the establishment of traditional market and other infrastructure.
Motivating the Access Availability
Each poor community must be secured to get access to their human rights. Such basic needs are the health, education, housing, and others. New paradigms are needed respecting the importance of shifting these basic needs (especially education and health) from the economic to social sectors. A hospital and schools must be built not by a profit but by a service approach.
Providing access for the poor people to get their basic right may be supported from zakat fund, in order to fulfill availability of the zakat fund can be mixed with the providing of resources from village social insurance by activating local wisdom that currently implementing in the villages of Indonesia such as the concept of cooperation, jimpitan (sharing/collecting a small glass of rice), arisan (collecting some money and determined a person who deserves to get the turn in a certain period once) etc.
Empowerment Advocacy
To encourage and obtain participations from all parties, the Klaster Mandiri has attempted to motivate the one-sided policy, network strengthening and grass-root empowerment in the village. This is conducted by strengthening the rural empowerment research and cultural advocacy and even a rural social engineering by consistently using all local wisdom as it social capital.
Implementation of Program Klaster Mandiri
Klaster Mandiri Program was launched in the month of Ramadhan 1431H/August 2010 with its programs in 21 villages of 21 Regencies all over Indonesia. The village selection has been conducted using a strict analyses through the mapping of poverty and field survey by taking note to its social capital possessed to increase the achievement rate of the program.
The Regions of this Klaster Mandiri are selected based on the map of poverty by calculating the ratio between the muzakki and mustahik, social capital, minority Moslem area, borderland area. At the time of the launching these 21 selected Regencies (Kabupaten) are :
1. Regency of Bintan, Kepulauan Riau
2. Regency of Tapanuli Tengah, North Sumatera
3. Regency of Mentawai, West Sumatera
4. Regency of Lampung Selatan, Lampung
5. Regency of Lebak, Banten
6. Regency of Garut, Jabar
7. Regency of Brebes, Jateng
8. Regency of Blora, Jateng
9. Regency of Kulonprogo, DIY
10. Regency of Tuban, Jatim
11. Regency of Ponorogo, Jatim
12. Regency of Karangasem, Bali
13. Regency of Bima, NTB
14. Regency of Rote Nda, NTT
15. Regency of Benkayang, Kalbar
16. Regency of Tanah Laut, Kalsel
17. Regency of Bantaeng, Sulsel
18. Regency of Banggai, Sulteng
19. Regency of Halmahera Selatan, Maluku Utara
20. Regency of Merauke, Papua
21. Regency of Bogor (Zona Madina).
At each klaster mandiri, a partner called as “Sahabat” behaves as an assistance, dynamists, and generator of rural empowerment. This Sahabat is a youth nominated and local figure who will be act as a community organizer in each program area.
Zona Madina
The biggest Klaster Mandiri was named as the Zona Madina[6]. Zona Madina has been designed and developed using the concepts of the growing and integrated area with the foundation of Islam’s set of values being rahmatan lil alamin with the biggest goal of empowerment in the broader sense covering the development of socio-economy, culture, and religious values using the mosque as the centre of the movement. The design of Zona Madina is made by noticing all local values developed to reach its optimum point for the development of socio-economic of 5 km square radius surrounding community. The Zona Madina has been built by using the wakaf (endowment) and the operational cost using zakat, infaq, shadaqah, voluntary funds from Indonesian community and the donation of the companies, government and other “halal” (not violating the Moslem’s rules) resources.
The establishment of Zona Madina was started on 7th day of January 2009 coinciding with 10 Muharram 1030 H begun with the construction of Rumah Sakit Zakat[7] in Indonesia planned to finish by the end of 2010. Zona Madina is an open area which can be visited by the public 24 hours a day and 7 days in a week.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Klaster Mandiri Program has clear indicator and parameter both qualitatively and quantitatively for its program implementation and also the impact of this program implementation against the community. A periodic review or evaluation is conducted by yearly and quarterly monitoring and evaluation program.
For which, the baseline study is conducted at each community prior to the execution of this program to evaluate more accurately the degree of impact of such program
Klaster Mandiri as A Model
As an integrated concept, which will be consistently improved, the Klaster Mandiri has been designed so as its replica can be made for empowerment modeling of the poor through an integrated program by using the zakat funds. Therefore, the program Klaster Mandiri has been made in several empowerment modules. This modeling can be conducted by taking all programs and selecting it into modules.
If this program can be applied in many poor communities in Indonesia and all over the world, then the Dompet Dhuafa hopes this concept can trigger the zakat dimensioned empowerment with its sharper target and more effective and efficient use for our effort to alleviate the poverty. The same consequences also felt if this zakat movement in various region can be inspired by this program and develop it to become more ideal and comprehensive concept. Eventually that we all can realize zakat as the mainstream for the strategy to eradicate the poverty.
[1] This issue is delivered at the First Forum of World Conference on Zakat held on 28 September – 2 October 2010 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
[2] Ismail A Said is a President Director of Dompet Dhuafa, and Mr. Moch Arifin Purwakananta is a Program Director of Dompet Dhuafa. This Dompet Dhuafa represents Lembaga Amil Zakat Nasional; established and stipulated by the Decision of the Minister of Religious Affairs.
[3] Zakat Movement becomes a common term for all structured activities conducted by all zakat activists and organizations in various region to expand the zakat as a syariah with the objective of the brightness of umat, poverty eradication and empowerment of them. This term has been used in the book of South Asia Zakat Movement written by Arifin Purwakananta Cs. FOZ 2008 and in the book of Zakat Movement for Indonesia also written by Arifin Purwakananta cs., 2007
[4] Poverty Mapping by Arifin Purwakananta Cs, Dompet Dhuafa Publisher, 2012
[5] The Five Pillars of Program Klaster Mandiri is inspired by Maqasidu As Syariah
[6] Zona Madina, an area locating in Kabupaten Bogor is an integrated Islamic community development area erected on 5,5 Hectare area in Parung, Bogor. In this area, there are senior schools, Mosque, Hosptal, Public and Econmic Development, Guest House, Outbound, Sport Ground, Digital Library, Multipurpose Hall, Bussines Center, Fuel Station, Rest Area and other public empowering and service facilities.
[7] Due to using the preventive paradigm, this Rumah Sehat Terpadu (Integrated Hospital), is planned to be the biggest zakat hospital in Indonesia providing health care and treatment to the beneficiaries (mustahik) using the zakat fund.
القرارت المنتدى العالمي للزكاة
بعد استماع الى الدقالات و الأطروحات التى ألقاها الدشاركو الدنتدى العالدي للزكاة التى أ قيمت في 88 سبتمبر – 1 أكتوبر
8212 في فندق Inna Garuda Jogjakarta . نحن مشارك ون الدنتدى نتفق على النقاط التالية:
.1 هذا منتدى العالدي للزكاة سيكون محلاً و مقاماً لدناقشة مسائل الزكاة على مستوى العالم. و هذا الدنتدى مفتوح
لأعضائه سواءً من ق بل الحكومة و هيئات الزكاة الحكومية و هيئات الزكاة الأهل ي ة و الدثقفين والعلماء و المحللين. و
هذا الدنتدى ي عقد في ك ل ثلاث سنوات.
.8 لتسهيل إجرائات و الإدارة هذا الدنتدى سوف ع ين أعضاء اللجنة (board member) للمنتدى, وهؤلاء
الأعضاء يمث ل ون دول ت هم كمؤ سسي الدنتدى. و سوف ع ين بعض الأعضاء كالفريق العمل (working group) للمتتدى. و هذا الفريق العمل لذم دور كالأمانة و الإدارة العامة للمنتدى. و هذا الفريق العمل مك ون
من الأفراد من مختلف الجنسي ة و لذم ولاية و مؤ هلة بإدارة الدنتدى. وتشكيل أعضاء اللجنة و الفريق العمل كما
تم ترتيبه في ملحق اتفاقيات.
.3 الدعم على وجود منظمة الزكاة الدولية (International Zakat Organization) و تعاون معها
لدصلحة الأ مة.
.4 الفريق العمل سوف يناقش عن إقامة الدنتدى العالدي للزكاة الثاني و محله و البرامج التي سيناقشها أعضاء الدنتدى.
.5 تعيين فريق العمل لإعداد برامج أعمال الدنتدى و إنشاء العلاقة مع الدنظمات الدولية الدرتبطة بالزكاة.
.6 مصادير التمويل للمنتدى محمول على أعضاء الدنتدى.
.7 تعيين أ.د. ديدين حافظ الدين (Prof.DR. Didin Hafidhuddin) أمين العام الأ ول للمنتدى و
مدة خدمته إلى الدنتدى القادم.
.8 ناشد الدنتدى جميع الدول الإسلامية لتطبيق نظام الزكاة كالخصم للضرائب
Jogjakarta, Indonesia
30 September 2010
الفريق العملللمنتدى:
الأمين العام:
Prof. DR. KH. Didin Hafidhuddin M.Si
Ahmad Juwaini, SE. MM
Teten Kustiawan, Ak
Sri Adi Bramasetia, S.Kom
Dr. Ahmad Muklis Yusuf
Arifin Purwakananta SI.Kom
Ir. Nana Mintarti, MP
Deddy Wahyudi, SP. MM
Irfan Syauqi Beik, Ph. D
Bobby Herwibowo, Lc
Prof. Madya. Dr. Abd. Halim Muhd. Noor
Hj. Mohd. Rais Hj Alias
Amran Bin Hazali
DR. Mohamed Ubeidillah
8212 في فندق Inna Garuda Jogjakarta . نحن مشارك ون الدنتدى نتفق على النقاط التالية:
.1 هذا منتدى العالدي للزكاة سيكون محلاً و مقاماً لدناقشة مسائل الزكاة على مستوى العالم. و هذا الدنتدى مفتوح
لأعضائه سواءً من ق بل الحكومة و هيئات الزكاة الحكومية و هيئات الزكاة الأهل ي ة و الدثقفين والعلماء و المحللين. و
هذا الدنتدى ي عقد في ك ل ثلاث سنوات.
.8 لتسهيل إجرائات و الإدارة هذا الدنتدى سوف ع ين أعضاء اللجنة (board member) للمنتدى, وهؤلاء
الأعضاء يمث ل ون دول ت هم كمؤ سسي الدنتدى. و سوف ع ين بعض الأعضاء كالفريق العمل (working group) للمتتدى. و هذا الفريق العمل لذم دور كالأمانة و الإدارة العامة للمنتدى. و هذا الفريق العمل مك ون
من الأفراد من مختلف الجنسي ة و لذم ولاية و مؤ هلة بإدارة الدنتدى. وتشكيل أعضاء اللجنة و الفريق العمل كما
تم ترتيبه في ملحق اتفاقيات.
.3 الدعم على وجود منظمة الزكاة الدولية (International Zakat Organization) و تعاون معها
لدصلحة الأ مة.
.4 الفريق العمل سوف يناقش عن إقامة الدنتدى العالدي للزكاة الثاني و محله و البرامج التي سيناقشها أعضاء الدنتدى.
.5 تعيين فريق العمل لإعداد برامج أعمال الدنتدى و إنشاء العلاقة مع الدنظمات الدولية الدرتبطة بالزكاة.
.6 مصادير التمويل للمنتدى محمول على أعضاء الدنتدى.
.7 تعيين أ.د. ديدين حافظ الدين (Prof.DR. Didin Hafidhuddin) أمين العام الأ ول للمنتدى و
مدة خدمته إلى الدنتدى القادم.
.8 ناشد الدنتدى جميع الدول الإسلامية لتطبيق نظام الزكاة كالخصم للضرائب
Jogjakarta, Indonesia
30 September 2010
الفريق العملللمنتدى:
الأمين العام:
Prof. DR. KH. Didin Hafidhuddin M.Si
Ahmad Juwaini, SE. MM
Teten Kustiawan, Ak
Sri Adi Bramasetia, S.Kom
Dr. Ahmad Muklis Yusuf
Arifin Purwakananta SI.Kom
Ir. Nana Mintarti, MP
Deddy Wahyudi, SP. MM
Irfan Syauqi Beik, Ph. D
Bobby Herwibowo, Lc
Prof. Madya. Dr. Abd. Halim Muhd. Noor
Hj. Mohd. Rais Hj Alias
Amran Bin Hazali
DR. Mohamed Ubeidillah
After having thorough discussion and after carefully observe all the paper presentations, comments and inputs given by delegation and participants of the World Zakat Forum, which was held on September 28 – 30, 2010 at Hotel Inna Garuda, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, we, the delegation and participant of the World Zakat Forum, have reached our agreement on the following resolutions:
1. The World Zakat Forum will be organized as a forum to meet, discuss and share all zakat-related matters at world level, which is opened to the state/government delegation, government zakat organization, non-govermental zakat organization, academicians, ‘ulama, and other stake holders, at least once in three years.
2. To simplify management of the Forum, a World Zakat Forum Board Member comprising representatives of founding countries and other appointed parties, will be established, along with a World Zakat Forum Working Group, which acts as secretariat of the Forum consists of representatives of the countries that will devote themselves to manage the activities of the secretariat. The list of founding members and working group members as attached.
3. The role and the existence of the International Zakat Organization (IZO) is strongly supported and the need to have mutual cooperation with the organization for the benefit of the ummah.
4. The World Zakat Forum Working Group will decide the venue and the agenda of the 2nd World Zakat Forum.
5. The World Zakat Forum Working Group is assigned to prepare the programmes and to expand cooperation with all zakat stakeholders.
6. Contribution of the founders and the participants of the World Zakat Forum will be used as initial source of fund.
7. Prof Dr KH Didin Hafidhuddin is appointed as the first Secretary General of the World Zakat Forum until the organization of the next Forum.
8. Calling all muslim countries to accommodate and implement the policy of “zakat as tax credit”.
Yogyakarta, September 30, 2010
(signed by founders)
World Zakat Forum Working Group:
General Secretary : Prof. DR. KH. Didin Hafidhudin M.Si
Member of WZF Working Group :
- Ahmad Juwaini, SE. MM
- Teten Kustiawan, Ak
- Sri Adi Bramasetia, S.Kom
- Dr. Ahmad Muklis Yusuf
- Arifin Purwakananta, SI.Kom
- Ir. Nana Mintarti, MP
- Deddy Wahyudi, SP. MM
- Irfan Syauqi Beik, Ph.D
- Bobby Herwibowo, LC
- Prof. Madya. Dr. Abd. Halim Muhd. Noor
- Hj. Mohd. Rais Hj Alias
- Amran Bbin Hazali
- DR. Mohamed Ubeidillah
1. The World Zakat Forum will be organized as a forum to meet, discuss and share all zakat-related matters at world level, which is opened to the state/government delegation, government zakat organization, non-govermental zakat organization, academicians, ‘ulama, and other stake holders, at least once in three years.
2. To simplify management of the Forum, a World Zakat Forum Board Member comprising representatives of founding countries and other appointed parties, will be established, along with a World Zakat Forum Working Group, which acts as secretariat of the Forum consists of representatives of the countries that will devote themselves to manage the activities of the secretariat. The list of founding members and working group members as attached.
3. The role and the existence of the International Zakat Organization (IZO) is strongly supported and the need to have mutual cooperation with the organization for the benefit of the ummah.
4. The World Zakat Forum Working Group will decide the venue and the agenda of the 2nd World Zakat Forum.
5. The World Zakat Forum Working Group is assigned to prepare the programmes and to expand cooperation with all zakat stakeholders.
6. Contribution of the founders and the participants of the World Zakat Forum will be used as initial source of fund.
7. Prof Dr KH Didin Hafidhuddin is appointed as the first Secretary General of the World Zakat Forum until the organization of the next Forum.
8. Calling all muslim countries to accommodate and implement the policy of “zakat as tax credit”.
Yogyakarta, September 30, 2010
(signed by founders)
World Zakat Forum Working Group:
General Secretary : Prof. DR. KH. Didin Hafidhudin M.Si
Member of WZF Working Group :
- Ahmad Juwaini, SE. MM
- Teten Kustiawan, Ak
- Sri Adi Bramasetia, S.Kom
- Dr. Ahmad Muklis Yusuf
- Arifin Purwakananta, SI.Kom
- Ir. Nana Mintarti, MP
- Deddy Wahyudi, SP. MM
- Irfan Syauqi Beik, Ph.D
- Bobby Herwibowo, LC
- Prof. Madya. Dr. Abd. Halim Muhd. Noor
- Hj. Mohd. Rais Hj Alias
- Amran Bbin Hazali
- DR. Mohamed Ubeidillah
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